Sessions are the main data source for your Smartlook projects. Sessions are recordings and data of users on your website. Sessions begin when the user opens and interacts with your website.

Filtering sessions

You can use filters to view only the sessions that match your filters. You can base your filters on sessions, notes, location, technology, user, source (including UTM tags), and events.

Setting up filters

To filter sessions:

  1. Go to the Sessions page.
  2. Click + New filter.
  3. Choose the filter you want.
  4. Set up the filter and click Apply.
  5. (Optional) You can add another filter by clicking Add next filter.
  6. Once your filter is ready, click Apply filter.


Wildcard for URL filters

You can also use the wildcard * character any URL filters.

For example, when searching for a Visited URL:*/detail/*

Filter options

Once you have applied your filter, you can view the sessions that match the filter. You can also manage the filter.

Filter options

To edit the filter, click a filter definition or Edit filter.

You can also save your filter for later use without needing to build the filter again.

To save your filter, click Save as segment.


Segments are your saved filters. You can view them by clicking Saved segments in on the Session page. Choose a segment from your list to view matching sessions, or manage the segment.

Filtering sessions using query parameters

You can filter sessions using URL query parameters. Available query parameters:

Query parameterDescriptionPossible valuesNotes
filterEmailFilter by emailAny user email addressMultiple values must be separated by a comma (,)
filterUserIdFilter by user IDAny user IDMultiple values must be separated by a comma (,)
filterCustomEventFilter by custom eventAny custom eventValues must use encodeURIcomponent method

Multiple values must be separated by a comma (,)
filterClickedElementFilter by clicked element eventAny element nameValues must use encodeURIcomponent method

Multiple values must be separated by a comma (,)
filterRageClicksFilter by rage clickstrue and falseFiltering by true returns sessions with rage click events
filterDateRangeFilter by datetoday, yesterday, last3Days, last7Days, last30Days, last90Days, last12Months, is, is_after, is_before, in_range, not_in_rangeValues must use encodeURIcomponent method and in ISO 8601 format

When using is, is_after, and is_before, one date is required

When using in_range and not_in_range, two dates are required
filterErrorsFilter by errorstrue, false, Error%20message, is,Error%20message, contains,Error%20message, not_contains,Error%20messagetrue/false = Filters for sessions that has/doesn't have errors

contains,Error%20message|not_contains,Error%20message = Filters for error message which contains/doesn't contain the text Error message

is,Error%20message = filters for sessions with exact phrase Error message


Using multiple filters

To use multiple filters in a query, separate each filter with an ampersand (&).

Example URL query filters

// Email filter example[email protected]&filterDateRange=last90Days

// Custom event fiter example,notification_displayed

// Clicked element filter,DIV%20%3E%20DIV

// Rage click filter

// Date range filter,2023-04-09T00%3A00%3A00%2B02%3A00,2023-04-20T00%3A00%3A00%2B02%3A00

Sharing sessions

You can enable sharing for your sessions in the Smartlook player.

To share a session, click Add notes and share and then Generate share link.

You can now share the session by copying the share link, or sharing to Jira or Slack. If you want people who are not a part of your organization to view the session, you can Enable public sharing.

Adding notes

You can leave notes in your sessions to give viewers more context, point something out, or if you found something in the session particularly interesting.

To create notes, click Sharing and notes and enter your note. Then, click Save note.

You can search for notes by using a Note filter.